ITP Projects
I have received Masters Degree in Interactive Media Arts from Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP) at Tisch School of the Arts, New York University.
This is a selection of projects from 2015-2017:
Wonder Corner (full)
Subway Game
Happy Hoppers
Moving Sand
Renaissance of the Self
How Long is a Second?
Sound Like a TEDx Speaker
If Maironis Was a Robot
Interactive ITP Yearbook
Music Player
GoLive Radio (Fullstack Academy of Code)
Wonder Phone (Fullstack Academy of Code)
Smarter Classmate
This is a selection of projects from 2015-2017:
Wonder Corner (full)
Subway Game
Happy Hoppers
Moving Sand
Renaissance of the Self
How Long is a Second?
Sound Like a TEDx Speaker
If Maironis Was a Robot
Interactive ITP Yearbook
Music Player
GoLive Radio (Fullstack Academy of Code)
Wonder Phone (Fullstack Academy of Code)
Smarter Classmate