I am teaching and designing curricula on topics from web development, creative coding, design thinking to everything related to the use of creative technologies.

Curriculum development:
  • IMA Low Res, NYU Tisch + NYU Shanghai - remote learning design, curriculum and program development - 2020-ongoing
  • Teachers Lead Tech - creative technology courses for primary schools - 2020-ongoing
  • Vilnius University STEAM Centers - physical computing and digital fabrication workshops for middle and high schools - 2020-2021
  • JavaScript Foundations (high school) - a full year course, Teach CS, New York City, 2019-2020
  • Game Design using p5. play - 8 week course, 7-12 year olds, bit&Byte, Fall 2019
  • STEAM Camp courses in 2D, 3D design, (digital) fabrication, prototyping, physical computing, circuitry (middle school) - NYC First, Summer 2019
  • Intro to Web Development - 8 week course, 7-12 year olds, bit&Byte, Spring 2018
  • Code! - research & speculative design in cooperation with ITP faculty, New York University, Fall 2017
  • Info & Web Development Class (udergraduate), Fordham University, Fall 2017

Classes / workshops / talks:

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